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Regata Nazionale Bracciano 1998
Data pubblicazione: 23/05/1998

Bracciano, 23-24 maggio 1998.

The 23th and 24th of May we had the Ranking List Regatta on the Bracciano
Lake, near Rome.

40 boats at the start,the Snipe Class grow up very well in Italy.
Optimal wind conditions, 4 races between 10 and 18 kn.
(In Italy we make only 4 races during a week end regatta, but 6-7 miles
long courses)

Winner was the Solerio Brothers, from Sanremo, second the 1998 italian
Champion Enrico Michel with Stefano Longhi, third Miki Costa with Giampaolo

The classement (first 10 of 40):

1) Solerio-Solerio 1-1-4-3
2) Michel-Longhi 3-3-5-1
3) Costa-Spera 4-2-1-ocs
4) Bernardis-Pontalti 6-5-3-2
5) Braga-Parodi 2-8-9-8
6) Dematte'-Dematte' 7-12-6-7
7) Perini-Oselladore 13-21-2-6
8) Podesta'-Gatti 14-6-12-4
9) Bari-Schettini 5-10-16-14
10) Capello-Fonda 10-7-19-12

--Ezio Braga

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