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Data pubblicazione: 26/04/1997

The 25th,26th and 27th of April we had in Anzio the first Ranking List
Regatta of the year.
Beautiful races with 35 Snipes in Anzio.
The first day two olimpic course, with 15 knots, sun and waves.
The evening nice dinner at the Circolo della Vela di Roma (the Roman Yacht
Club) with I don't no how many knots, but I think a lot:-)
Second day, other two races with 15 knots, sun and waves.
And the third day a nice Scirocco (south wind), 20 knots, waves and a lot of
The results, best 14 of 35 :
1) Michel Turazza (1-1-1-3-dnc) 8) Zamorani-Maggiorelli
2) Belloni-Belloni (4-3-7-5-1-5) 9) Bari-Bertanzon (7-9-2-4-dnc-dnc)
3) Costa -Spera (6-4-8-6-2-1) 10) Bernardis-Pontalti (2-2-3-dnc-dnc)
4) Podesta'-Gatti (8-ret-5-2-3-4) 11) Conelli-Gaja (5-8-11-15-dnc-dnc)
5)Barone- Brunelli (10-5-4-10-6-3) 12) Solerio-Solerio (3-dsq-6-1-dnc-dnc)
6)Braga-Parodi (13-6-10-7-5-2) 13) Perini-Oselladore
7)Calliari-Calliari (12-13-12-8-7-6) 14) Cappello-Longhi
Ezio Braga