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Regata Nazionale Luino 1997
Data pubblicazione: 02/06/1997

Luino, 31 maggio - 1 giugno 1997. The Trophy Citta' di Luino is very old, the first race was sailed in 1950. In the past on the Lake Maggiore you had only two kind of boats : the Star and the Snipe. In the past 47 years a lot of thinks are changed, not only in our sport. We live in a complete different world. But we have always Snipes, a lot of Snipes : in Luino we are 36 boats, like as 47 years ago. One reason is the shape of the boat, with few changements the boat is ever up to date. One other reason is the class : our motto "serious sailing, serious fun" is true. I think the Snipe sailors are real sportsmen. Please, keep on this way ! Saturday we sailed the first two races, with a light south wind. The conditions were favorable to the sailors from the sea, not from the lakes. So, Enrico Michel with John Turazza won the first race, and Giorgio Brezich with Manola Reis the second race. The next day we had a lot of rain. The committee started the third race in the afternoon, with rain but 6-7 ms North wind. At the end of the race the wind slowed down, and somebody loss their position. The Solerio brothers won this race. The Regatta in Luino was valid for the Ranking List. The first three crews from the Ranking List at July, will be selected for the worlds in San Diego. After this race, Michel was mathematycally qualified. For the other two places, we will have a fight between Brezich, Solerio, Bernardis and Dematte'.

Ezio Braga

The final result (first 10 of 36 )
1) Michel- Turazza 1-4-2
2) Brezich- Reis 2-1-9
3) Solerio-Solerio 9-2-1
4) Dematte'-Larossa 3-13-3
5) Bernardis - Pontalti 6-10-5
6) Belloni- Belloni 13-5-6
7) Podesta'- Gatti 11-7-7
8) Braga- Parodi 5-15-13
9) Formosa - Loni 4-17-17
10) Costa- Spera 7-3-28

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