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Regata Nazionale Monfalcone
Data pubblicazione: 02/05/1999
Data pubblicazione: 02/05/1999
Monfalcone, 1-2 maggio 1999.
We had in Monfalcone, our first national Regatta in 1999. 34 Snipes at the start, the wind was very light, but the stream was very strong.
A difficult regatta, the first three in 2 points!
The winner was the Solerio brothers from Sanremo, follows by our past commodore Giorgio Brezich.
The first ten of 34 :
1 Solerio-Solerio 8-1-1-4
2 Brezich-Penso 3-3-8-1
3 Dematté- Martini 1-4-5-3
4 Bolletti- Landro 2-5-3-8
5 Michel-Longhi 7-7-2-2
6 Costa- Spera 24-2-4-5
7 Belloni-Beducci 4-11-6-11
8 Braga-Parodi 12-8-10-6
9 Perini-Berto 6-9-9-13
10 Bernardis-Pontalti 16-6-7-OCS
--Ezio Braga