risultati regate

Scorri in: Tutte > risultati > stagione 2005
Opzioni :

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Snipista dell'anno

Pietro Fantoni

31 Dicembre 2005 16.36.35

Al termine del sondaggio vittorio Bortolotti e i suoi "Fancazzisti" sono incoronati Snipisti dell'anno.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Invernale Santa Marinella 18/12/05

Pietro Fantoni

19 Dicembre 2005 7.38.22

di Antonella Venanzi. Santa Marinella, 18 dicembre 2005

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Enrico Michel sulla Duca di Genova

Pietro Fantoni

17 Novembre 2005 11.51.29

Alcuni pensieri del vincitore della Coppa Duca di Genova 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Ranking List finale 2005

Pietro Fantoni

11 Novembre 2005 11.47.39

Enrico Michel coi prodieri Francesca Cappello, Sandra Papa, Marco Bodini e John Turazza, si aggiudica, quale vincitore della Ranking List, la prestigiosa Coppa Duca di Genova.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Beccaccino d'Oro 2005

Pietro Fantoni

11 Novembre 2005 11.45.32

E' Monfalcone ad aggiudicarsi il Trofeo che premia la miglior flotta della stagione.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Campionato IV zona

Pietro Fantoni

09 Novembre 2005 23.33.54

Roberto Tozzi vince la Zonale del Lazio.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Campionato XIV zona

Pietro Fantoni

09 Novembre 2005 16.03.56

E' Demattè il vincitore dello zonale 2005

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Campionato XII-XIII zona

Pietro Fantoni

08 Novembre 2005 9.29.01

Il Campionato viene vinto da Enrico Michel e Francesca Cappello.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Campionato XI zona

Pietro Fantoni

08 Novembre 2005 9.26.06

Marco e Giulia Pantano sono i campioni della zona Emilia Romagna.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Campionato II zona

Pietro Fantoni

06 Novembre 2005 8.24.13

Sono Berti - Fontana i vincitori dello zonale della Toscana.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Invernale a Snipe Bay 29-30/10/05

Pietro Fantoni

05 Novembre 2005 15.07.01

Talamone, 29-30 ottobre 2005

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Garda Snipe a Malcesine

Pietro Fantoni

02 Novembre 2005 17.41.39

Malcesine, 29 - 30 ottobre 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Invernale S. Marinella 29-30/10/05

Pietro Fantoni

02 Novembre 2005 7.59.57

di Antonella Venanzi.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Invernale Talamone 15-16/10/05

Pietro Fantoni

18 Ottobre 2005 15.15.14

Talamone, 15-16 ottobre 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Kostrenska regata

Pietro Fantoni

17 Ottobre 2005 9.58.39

Kostrena, Croazia, 15-16 ottobre 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Zonale XIV 24-25/9/05

Pietro Fantoni

28 Settembre 2005 8.00.10

Castelletto di Brenzone, 24 - 25 settembre 2005

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Trofeo Suraci - Coppa Città di Muggia

Pietro Fantoni

28 Settembre 2005 7.41.05

Muggia, 24 - 25 settembre 2005

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Nazionale Venezia

Pietro Fantoni

19 Settembre 2005 14.15.48

Venezia, 17 - 18 settembre 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Giampiero Poggi sull'Italiano

Pietro Fantoni

09 Settembre 2005 7.32.45

Le impressioni del Campione Italiano 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Polish Open 2005

Pietro Fantoni

07 Settembre 2005 16.54.31

di Alessandro Bellotti. Zbaszyn, 2-4 settembre 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Trofeo Sportur

Pietro Fantoni

06 Settembre 2005 13.16.45

di Alberto Perdisa. Cervia, 3-4 settembre 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Campionato Italiano 2005

Pietro Fantoni

30 Agosto 2005 12.32.29

Bracciano 25 - 28 agosto 2005. Poggi - Boccato Campioni Italiani.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Vacanze Romane 2005

Pietro Fantoni

24 Agosto 2005 13.49.37

Bracciano, 23 agosto 2005. Vittoria di Enrico Michel e Marco Bodini.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Campionato del Mondo Juniores

Pietro Fantoni

19 Agosto 2005 19.49.42

Rio de Janeiro, 19 agosto 2005. Demaison-Tinoco si aggiudicano il titolo iridato.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Intervista ad Augie Diaz

Pietro Fantoni

16 Agosto 2005 14.27.44

Augie Diaz ha vinto il Mondiale per la seconda volta consecutiva: dopo Svezia 2003, Giappone 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Campionato del Tirreno 2005

Pietro Fantoni

16 Agosto 2005 13.39.31

Rosignano Solvay, 13-14 agosto 2005. Vittoria di Fabio e Daniela Rochelli.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Open Scandinavian Championship

Pietro Fantoni

08 Agosto 2005 7.23.07

Vestfjordens Seilforening Oslo, 5-7 agosto 2005. di Roger Olivieri e Silvia Pederiva.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Il Mondiale visto da prua

Pietro Fantoni

08 Agosto 2005 5.37.11

di Jacopo Ferrari Bravo.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Campionato del Mondo 2005

Pietro Fantoni

03 Agosto 2005 10.35.41

Gamagori, Giappone, 23-30 luglio 2005

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Campionato Italiano Juniores

Pietro Fantoni

25 Luglio 2005 10.12.49

Sanremo, 22-24 luglio 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Coppa Pomodoro 2005

Pietro Fantoni

24 Luglio 2005 9.25.59

Trieste, 24 luglio 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Zonale Bracciano 17/7/05

Pietro Fantoni

18 Luglio 2005 16.47.16

Anguillara Sabazia, 17 luglio 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Ledro 2005

Pietro Fantoni

18 Luglio 2005 9.06.26

Lago di Ledro, 16 - 17 luglio 2005. Resoconto e classifica del Trofeo Cassa Rurale

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Trofeo Ferin 2005

Pietro Fantoni

18 Luglio 2005 7.06.09

Trieste, 16-17 luglio 2005. Ancora Michel - Cappello!

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Campionato dell'Adriatico

Pietro Fantoni

18 Luglio 2005 1.42.24

Chioggia, 9-10 luglio 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Sarah Barbarossa ci racconta il suo Europeo

Pietro Fantoni

06 Luglio 2005 8.41.03

Il racconto e le impressioni della Campionessa europea femminile.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Ladies European Championship

Pietro Fantoni

02 Luglio 2005 8.31.57

Rosignano Solvay, 30 giugno - 2 luglio 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Campionato Italiano Master e Femminile

Pietro Fantoni

28 Giugno 2005 9.14.47

Rosignano Solvay 25 - 26 giugno 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Tridente d'Oro

Pietro Fantoni

23 Giugno 2005 13.46.05

di Roger Olivieri. Caldonazzo, 18 - 19 giugno 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Zonale Bracciano 12/6/05

Pietro Fantoni

14 Giugno 2005 17.41.47

La classifica.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Trofeo Santo Morin

Pietro Fantoni

13 Giugno 2005 7.47.29

Monfalcone, 11 - 12 giugno 2005

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Nazionale Rimini

Pietro Fantoni

07 Giugno 2005 14.00.14

di Corrado Perini. Rimini, 4-5 giugno 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Trofeo Bisso

Pietro Fantoni

03 Giugno 2005 7.14.59

Trieste, 2 giugno 2005

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Trofeo Silla 2005

Pietro Fantoni

23 Maggio 2005 5.59.27

Trieste, 21 - 22 maggio 2005

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Trofeo Punta Indiani 2005

Pietro Fantoni

15 Maggio 2005 20.03.31

di Roger Olivieri Caldonazzo, 14 - 15 maggio 2005. A soli cinque giorni dall'evento più importante della stagione, l'Europa Cup/German Open 28 equipaggi si sono dati appuntamento alla AVT per il XXIV Trofeo Punta Indiani.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Nazionale Muggia 2005


10 Maggio 2005 22.37.55

Muggia, 7 - 8 maggio 2005. Enrico Michel, questa volta con a prua Francesca Cappello, domina la seconda regata nazionale della stagione.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Trofeo Lisa Rochelli 2005


10 Maggio 2005 22.36.24

Trieste, 30 aprile - 1 maggio 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Campionato Iberico 2005


10 Maggio 2005 22.34.57

Risultati del Campionato Iberico.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Trofeo Alto Adriatico- Zonale XI zona


03 Maggio 2005 22.32.48

di Alberto Perdisa. Due splendide giornate di sole hanno caratterizzato questa regata, voluta dalla neonata flotta di Romagna, per rilanciare lo snipe in questa zona dell’Adriatico. Dopo tanti anni finalmente un campionato zonale nella XI zona Fiv con buone prospettive di incrementare, sin dalle prossime regate, la flotta e di conseguenza la partecipazione, con nuovi arrivi.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Sociale o Zonale? Chi può dirlo?!


03 Maggio 2005 22.25.05

Due meravigliose giornate estive sul lago di Bracciano ci hanno dato la possibilit di divertirci e di prendere un po’ di caldo sole, finalmente.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Nazionale Anzio 2005

Pietro Fantoni

20 Aprile 2005 17.22.10

di Nicolò Paolillo e Simona Cristofori

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Zonale Brenzone 2/4/05

Pietro Fantoni

07 Aprile 2005 17.27.32

di Silvia Pederiva e Anna Mosca de Paoli.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Campionato Sud Europeo - South European Championship

Pietro Fantoni

27 Marzo 2005 17.30.44

Sanremo, 25-26-27 marzo 2005. Careca e il fratello Beto si aggiudicano per il secondo anno consecutivo la "classicissima di primavera", precedendo l'americano Szabo e i padroni di casa Solerio.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Zonale Anzio 19-20/3/05

Pietro Fantoni

23 Marzo 2005 17.44.46

di Antonella Venanzi.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Invernale a Snipe Bay 12-13/3/05

Pietro Fantoni

22 Marzo 2005 20.14.30

di Alessandro Testa

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Slalom parallelo (risultati finali)

Pietro Fantoni

17 Marzo 2005 20.26.05

Venezia, 12-13 marzo 2005.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Slalom parallelo

Pietro Fantoni

10 Marzo 2005 6.59.03

di Sarah Barbarossa.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Invernale a Snipe Bay 12-13/2/05

Pietro Fantoni

17 Febbraio 2005 7.19.11

di Alessandro Testa.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Invernale Anzio: 13/2/05

Pietro Fantoni

15 Febbraio 2005 7.28.19

di Antonella Venanzi.

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles The templates will get the extension .xt there.

Invernale Anzio: 23/1/05 e 6/2/05

Pietro Fantoni

09 Febbraio 2005 7.30.10

di Antonella Venanzi.