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Regata Nazionale Rosignano 1997
Data pubblicazione: 05/10/1997
Data pubblicazione: 05/10/1997
Rosignano Solvay, 4-5 ottobre 1997.
The 4th and 5th October we had in Rosignano, a very nice place in
Toskana, the last (for 1997) National regatta in Italy.
The weather was fantastic, sunny and warm, the wind was light.
We had 40 boats at this race, from all Italy, so the Regatta was very
interesting. This is also a good indication how the class is strong
in Italy this year.
Winner was Giorgio Brezich with Manola Reis, second Miki Costa with
Marinella Gorgato.
The list of the first five, with them materials (boat and sails):
1) Brezich, Lillia, North Italy
2) Costa , Lillia, North Argentina
3) Bernardis G. , Persson Nord-Est, Halsey
4) Bernardis F. , Lillia , Halsey
5) Dematte', Fiberglass, Ulman
--Ezio Braga