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Campionato Italiano Master e Femminile 1997
Data pubblicazione: 13/07/1997

Castelletto di Brenzone, 12-13 luglio 1997.

"EXTRAORDINARY"  by Christina Cattaneo

As the song goes: "...after the sun comes rain, after the rain comes
sun..."  This year's 15-boat Master and Women's championship certainly
was sunny, in every sense of the word. After one of the wettest months of
June for 230 years, at last the sun shone for two consecutive (weekend)
days on Lake Garda this 12/13 July.

Cremona Sailing Club once again hosted this year's Championships - four
for the price of 1 - at Castelletto di Brenzone Sailing Club on Lake
Garda. There were indeed seven participants from Cremona in the
championships - surely a record number, yet still a way to go before
outnumbering the "Trentini".

The wind on each of the two days was quite remarkable. Saturday saw the
usual northerly morning wind hold right throughout the afternoon,
just long enough to allow for 3 exciting races to be run. Predicably,
Brezich, Bernardis (F) dominated as leaders with Bensa, and De Matt=E9
close on their heels. Meanwhile, two of the women's boats battled it out
for second position amongst the tail-enders. Sunday was predicted to be
"back-to-normal" as far as the wind was concerned, and everyone expected
the good southerly afternoon wind "ora" as usual. Once the northerly wind
did drop the "ora" gently rose. The race started but the wind faded and
died leaving only just enough time to complete one race, with De Matt=E9
winning this time, Bensa a close second, Bernardis third and Brezich
fourth, giving him enough advantage to clinch first place overall. The
scorching sun and airless lake sent everyone back to shore to pack up and
head back for prize-giving.

Saturday night's dinner, or rather "feast",  proved to be the richest,
most abundant and most appreciated of all social club regattas. Laid on
by Cremona Sailing Club, importing various helpers flown in directly from
Cremona especially for that evening, Emilio Babbini (28190) had spent an
entire week preparing the delicious slap-up meal.

=46inal Results:

1       Brezich-Michel          1-5-1-4         Master Champions
2       De Matt=E9-La Rossa       3-6-2-1
3       Bernardis F-Bernardis   6-1-3-3
4       Bensa-Bari              4-2-6-2         Junior Master Champions
5       Solerio-Alessi          2-7-4-6
6       Calliari-Calliari       5-4-5-5
7       Bragantini-Bragantini   8-3-11-10       Senior Master Champions
8       Zuanelli-Andreatta      7-10-8-7
9       Reis-Zago               pms-9-7-9       Women's Champions
10      Bruni-Bruni             10-8-9-8
11      Ferrario-Cattaneo       11-12-10-11     (W)
12      Pallaoro-Guerra         9-14-12-12
13      Babbini-Vescovi         13-13-13-14
14      Cigalotti-Favero        12-11-pms-dnc
15      Stefanini-Bottini       14-15-pms-13    (W)

(W) =3D all-female crew

An extraordinary two days was had by all, and as Sartori said on the last
day "this was a regatta filled with quality, quantity and tastiness
(bont=E0)". (Whether he was referring to the food or the ladies with that
last adjective is entirely open to interpretation!)


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