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Trofeo Lillia 1996
Data pubblicazione: 16/06/1996

Gravedona, 15-16 giugno 1996.

Trofeo Lillia
Lake Como
Gravedona, Italy
June 15-16, 1996

Gravedona is a little village at Como's lake, in the North of Italy. The Como's lake is one of the most charming lakes in Italy, rich of monuments and history. This lake is also a very good place for sailing, you have a thermal breeze from 8 to 10-12 ms (15 to 22 knots). The 15th and 16th June we sailed the Trofeo Lillia, 4 races for our second selection for the European Championship 1996 in Danmark. 28 Snipes were at the start.

The first day we found a strong breeze, from 15 to 20 knots. The race committee started a olimpic course, more than 6 miles long. Bernardis/Pontalti won the first race, second Michel/ Larossa and third Solerio/Maiga. In the downwind leg some people capsized, but every competitor finished the race.

The committee started the second race, with the same wind and the same course. Winner were Costa/Spera, before Michel/Larossa and Bernardis/Pontalti. Also in this race, some Snipe capsized, off course in the downwind leg. All the people were very tired after two long races with strong breeze, and you know what happened ? The committee started the third race! Hard work for the poors snipers! Bernardis/Pontalti won the race, followed by Michel/Larossa and Dematte'/De Rosa.

The evening Meco and Stefano Lillia invited all the competitors at a big barbecue in a beautiful garden. You know, Meco Lillia is one of the best Stars and Snipes builder in the world, but also he is the butcher of Musso. I can assure you that the steacks and the sausages were delicious!(also the wine,the polenta etc....)

The next day we had to sail only one race. The wind were stronger than the day before, and the committee decided to start a 7 miles triangle course. The winner were Micki Costa with Gianpaolo Spera, very fast at large, second Michel/Larossa, third Braga/Parodi. Beautiful races with a lot of wind, I think all the competitors were happy of this week-end.

Download file: trofeolillia96.xls trofeolillia96.xls
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